Perspectives on Corporate Worship

Remnant’s attendees are often asked about our choir and whether or not we have one. Our perspective on this matter is as follows:

  • Unlike what’s happening at many churches, worship should not be a spectator-oriented activity where those ‘leading” worship are reduced to being performers and the congregation is basically being entertained.
  • Everyone should participate in worship.
  • To overcome and avoid this dynamic, we focus on encouraging everyone to be involved.
  • There are no and should not be any superstars or celebrities.
  • We also audit songs before entering them into our worship catalog to ensure they do not contain any heretical factors. 
  • In some cases, we will modify the words to make sure we’re not exposing the congregation to anything dangerous AND that the song properly reflect’s God’s grace.

If you agree and understand these concepts and mindsets, please feel free to join us at a service!