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Ministry Overview

Remnant Christian Assembly is a Christian ministry that’s dedicated to fulfilling God’s call to churches by warning and teaching every man in order to present every may perfect in Christ Jesus and earnestly contending for the faith once delivered to the saints. Remnant has no denominational affiliations of any kind. To clarify our stance, vision, purpose and operation, we have divided this section into the following topics:

  • HistoryThis section contains the story of Remnant Christian Assembly — a brief look at how it came to be.
  • Mission Statement: The focus, call, and purpose of Remnant Christian Assembly.
  • Statement of Faith: This page contains direct, capsulated statements pinpointing what Remnant Christian Assembly believes, knows, and teaches.
  • Culture: Illustrates some basic truths about how things work at Remnant on a regular basis, especially in contrast to today’s average churches and ministries (and even the not-so-average ones).
  • Structure: This section provides information about the operation of Remnant Christian Assembly and how we strive to conduct ourselves as a church and an organization.
  • Special Interest Ministries: Learn about the various departments, divisions, and tiers of Remnant’s ministry.
  • AffiliationAddresses and explains Remnant’s status and stance on affiliations.
  • Contact Information: Location, address, phone number, etc.

Interested in attending RCA? Visit the Location and Service section for more information.

Interested in listening to recorded messages from our services or from our broadcast? Maybe you’re searching for good, edifying reading materials. Visit the Ministry Resources page. You can also visit CyberSaint®, our Internet Outreach site, which contains a large library of exhortational and study-oriented reading material.

Keep the word and be blessed!