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It all began one day in December 1995. The Lord instructed the ministry’s director to begin producing a publication for single Christians called Scenario and to begin circulation in January 1996. What a challenge! We had one month to produce something for the well-being of the Christian single community. Little did we know that the Lord had already equipped our staff for the task at hand.

The first issue of Scenario Magazine (20 pages in length) was published and commenced distribution on January 31, 1996. Shortly thereafter, we began receiving testimonies regarding the impact of the Lord through the publication. The most notable of these testimonies involved five young ladies that received Scenario at work, all of whom were pregnant. Prior to receiving the publication, all five of the young ladies were contemplating having abortions. After reading Scenario, all five of them repented, deciding to keep their children. Isn’t that wonderful!?! Praise God!!!!!

Four months later, the publication began experiencing resistance from the leadership in its local assembly. We never did really find out why, but we were led of the Lord to, just as was done with Moses, “put the ministry in a basket” (so to speak) in order to preserve it and cultivate it. The ministry was incorporated (non-profit, ecclesiastical) in the State of Michigan in June, 1996 as Scenario Ministries International (SMI). We were later instructed by the Lord to take the ministry to the world via the World Wide Web. Our first domain name was www.scenario.org, eventually, of course, becoming www.cybersaint.org. Registration of the CyberSaint® trademark was granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office in early 2001.

During the same time span, another wing of the ministry was born. SMI’s director was asked to teach a course at a metropolitan Detroit area church to help Christians learn how to study the word of God. A course entitled “How to Study the Bible” was launched. It began as a four-week course, but through seeking the Lord, the course expanded into a semester-long “experience” (15 weeks). The course was presented in its formats for approximately two years. Eventually, “How to Study the Bible” was changed into what we now refer to as “Bible Study Dynamics”. After this change, the course was cancelled at the church — without any communication from the church’s leadership. When asked why the course was cancelled, one of the church’s elders said “Well, we decided to include it in a new class that’s starting soon.” The response was, simply stated, a lie. There was no inclusion of “How to Study the Bible” in the new course. Again, the Lord instructed us to “use the basket” and “Bible Study Dynamics” became a part of Scenario Ministries International.

The director and his wife left their local assembly in May 1997 and were instructed of the Lord to spend some time visiting local churches — instead of concentrating on finding a new church home — and focus on SMI. As we kept the charge of the Lord, the ministry expanded and grew. Other ministerial departments were born, including: 1) Scenario Singles Outreach; 2) CyberSaint and 3) LifeGivers Intercessory Prayer Band among others.

Eventually, the charge came from the Lord to open a church — Remnant Christian Assembly. After the church opened, in August 1999, Scenario Ministries International and Remnant Christian Assembly merged, with SMI becoming the outreach of the church. CyberSaint® now serves as an extension of Remnant Christian Assembly via the World Wide Web.

The main passage of scripture that describes the heart of the entire ministry is found in the latter clause of Colossians 1:28, as we strive to present every man perfect in Christ Jesus. The various tiers of the ministry include singles ministry, doctrinal apologetics, the promotion of Bible study and education, intercessory prayer and internet ministry. Through CyberSaint®, we present the gospel and the things that concern the Lord Jesus Christ unto the world. We hold no denominational affiliation of any kind. We are simply dedicated to the gospel.

Today, the ministry has over 15 departments and divisions, striving the meet the needs of the sheep in several facets and through many venues and resources. We have a small congregation in Southfield, Michigan and also have a large contingency throughout the world, making the most impact and the most open doors in Africa where Remnant Christian Assembly and Pastor Hood have served Africa as a ministerial resource now for several years.

This ministry has always upheld the purity and sanctity of God’s word. We have always suffered for doing just that. We do, however, with help from the Lord, continue to strive for excellence in ministry and character in the Lord Jesus.

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