Cry Madness
If therefore the whole church be come together into one place, and all speak with tongues, and there come in those that are unlearned, or unbelievers, will they not say that ye are mad?
1 Corinthians 14:23, 39
Okay. Here’s the scenario. People are in a church service. The facilitator of the service, usually the pastor, instructs everyone to “talk to the Lord in your heavenly language.” All over the sanctuary, people begin to “speak with tongues” on command and stop when told to do so. Many of the people who have just participated are “mentally (and egotistically) charged”, but many who did not participate, and especially those who are not saved, are extremely confused and/or even frightened. Have you ever seen this? Maybe this is a common practice at your church. Maybe you don’t believe “speaking in tongues” is for us today. Regardless of where you fall in this demographic, today’s message will hit you.
Let’s start with today’s scripture text and scenario. Paul’s letter to the Corinthian church was of an order setting nature. They were greatly endowed with spiritual gifts, but they were EXTREMELY carnal. They had the full demonstration of the power of God, but they had little to no wisdom. As a result, things were out of order. Paul, as is the mode of operation among the apostles, sets out to establish order regarding the misuse and abuse of spiritual gifts and order in general.
Consider the following issues in Corinth (issues which also plague the church today, but very few are addressing them) — issues that result from carnal Christianity:
- 1 Corinthians 1:10 encourage the church to be on one accord — to speak the same things and have the same mind and judgment. Today’s church is all over the place. An example? Denominationalism. If we were all speaking the same things, we would be a mighty force, but because many are carnal, division abounds. In today’s church, many of these same carnal leaders are attempting to mend division by simply agreeing to come together without following the model of 1 Corinthians 1:10. This, too, is carnal.
- 1 Corinthians 3:1-3 echoes the division issue. Paul confirms directly that the Corinthians are carnal (so much for being “nice” — true ministry is direct, especially when ministering to those that are carnal-minded). The offspring of carnal Christianity is mentioned in verse 3 — envying, strife and division. These things should not be in the church. If and when discovered, all spiritually-minded people are responsible for revenging disobedience by putting an end to these behaviors — through instruction, reproof, and rebuke.
- 1 Corinthians 3:4-7 deals with exaltation of leadership by those being led. This is a SERIOUS issue with the church today. Many preachers and teachers are being exalted (instead of just being simply honored) — especially “high profile” ministers. Regardless of how many people go to your church, regardless of the fact that people line up around the block to come and hear someone, regardless of how many books someone writes, the minister is just human. We should not clamor after anyone. Honor them and receive ministry from them, but do not exalt them. Too many of us don’t know how to do that. Most either flatly dishonor and disrespect (usually the case, especially if a leader is not high profile) or we cross large volumes of land to go and see a particular minister, passing many anointed people along the way and the only fruit we have as a result of the trip is debt and unpaid bills. He that planteth and he that watereth are NOTHING. Don’t ever forget that. If you’re in ministry, YOU’RE NOTHING. Don’t ever forget it.
- 1 Corinthians 5 discusses a man that was fornicating with his stepmother (also known as incest). The Corinthians confirmed their carnality by the way they responded to this situation. This situation was commonly known among the people — everybody knew about it. The bigger problem, however, was that nobody did anything about it. What was even worse was that nobody really cared. Paul rebuked the Corinthians, referring to this mindset as “puffed up”. Today, many people know of sin going on among God’s people and don’t care. Many even look away, pretending that they don’t see the sin or that it doesn’t have anything to do with them. Some people even brag about their foolishness (indirectly) and it doesn’t vex the masses. We are called to love righteousness and hate iniquity. If sin — whether it’s yours or someone else’s — doesn’t irk you, something’s wrong. You have a carnal streak in your heart. You can’t successfully love God and not hate sin.
NOTE: When you hate sin, it’s easy to overcome its activity in your life. Many people don’t overcome sin, because they don’t despise it. Selah.
The beginning of 1 Corinthians 6 deals with Christians who are at odds with one another and seek to settle matters by going to court. CHRISTIANS SHOULD NOT LOOK TO THE WORLD TO RESOLVE ITS PROBLEMS WITH OTHER CHRISTIANS!!! The Corinthians were a clueless bunch (just like many among us today).
In 1 Corinthians 6:9, Paul has to basically remind the people that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God (so much for “unconditional eternal security”). The classifications he mentions in this passage includes the following sins: fornication, idolatry (which includes covetousness), adultery (even the thought), effeminacy (child molesters) and homosexuality (listed as “abusers of themselves with mankind” in the King James, but the Greek translation is “homosexuality”).
Lastly, for now, and our key point today is Paul’s addressing of spiritual gifts. Paul encourages the church to “Follow after charity (a proper, loving attitude) and desire spiritual gifts. Every Christian should seek spiritual gifts. We should, however, desire them and use them in accordance with God’s wisdom. If we follow after charity first, we’ll do this. Those who simply seek spiritual gifts, just for the sake of having spiritual gifts, are out of order (and carnal in their approach).
We don’t have time to deal with this matter completely today, but I do have to take time to touch on some key points, especially before dealing directly with today’s text. Here goes:
First, speaking in tongues as the Spirit of God gives utterance (talking in a language that one has not learned through the power of God) IS, did you hear, IS still a reality today. One of the reasons the devil fights against it is because he is aware of its implications. The devil is the master of extremes. He either wants to get folks to abuse it, falsify its manifestation or outright deny its importance or validity. He does NOT want people to receive the Spirit of God and receive this empowerment. Why? When someone speaks in tongues (we’re talking about authentically — I’ll talk about the other one momentarily), they are speaking to the Lord. Paul states, in 1 Corinthians 14:14, that our understanding is unfruitful (we don’t know what we’re saying). Our inner man, however, is being built up in God (1 Corinthians 14:4). The Holy Ghost prays things that we would probably never think to pray for. Such pertinence in prayer should be the desire of every believer.
Many today, some called “cessationists”, believe that the gifts of the Spirit were only distributed during the first century or just to the apostles. Have ye not read? In Acts 2, the Bible states that “they all spake with tongues…” after specifying how many people were in the upper room — 120. All has always meant all. It’s amazing how many people are going to miss God, simply because they refuse to read (and/or hear). If the gifts of the Spirit stopped during the first century, that would mean that God has changed. He has never changed. The elements of 1 Corinthians 12 — detailing the gifts of the Spirit — have always operated throughout Biblical history. The difference is that, now, the source of the operation of the gifts actually resides on the inside of those who have truly been born again. Cessationists (and other modern-day Pharisees) are guilty of blasphemy with their foolish accusations.
To say that the gifts have ceased to operate doesn’t just mean that tongues are invalid today (which is the main aim, ironically, of their false ministry). It would also mean that there are no words of wisdom. That’s not true. It would mean that gifts of healing don’t operate. That’s not true — I’ve seen TRUE healings myself via the laying on of hands. It would mean that the gift of prophecy is nonexistent. That’s a lie. Just because some people prostitute what appears to be a certain gift doesn’t mean that the valid version of the gift doesn’t exist.
Some people who respond to altar calls are instructed to repeat after someone and are then told that they now speak in tongues. This is a COMMON practice in many churches throughout the country. These altar call respondents are told that they now have the Spirit of God and should pray in the Spirit as much as possible. The vast majority of these people haven’t received anything. The evidence of receiving the Spirit of God goes well beyond speaking in tongues. There’s fruit — including behavioral and attitudinal changes and wisdom of heart. This (partly) explains the large population of “idiots” in and around the church. The sinner’s prayer is one of the other main culprits, but we’ll discuss that another time.
1 Corinthians 14:39 commands us not to forbid people to speak with tongues. Many opponents to speaking in tongues today violate this command. Others, because they have encountered falsehood regarding speaking in tongues, foolishly take aim at everyone who testifies that they have experienced it or practice it. I heard a pastor once making mockery of speaking in tongues over the pulpit. The congregation just laughed. He didn’t know (or didn’t care) that there were people sitting in the midst that have truly experienced this phenomenon. One monkey doesn’t make everybody guilty. For that matter, neither do 10, 10 thousand or 10 million. Speaking in tongues is a legitimate act. The question is . . . is the person doing it legitimately.
By now, someone’s thinking about 1 Corinthians 12:30 which says, “Have all the gifts of healing? do all speak with tongues? do all interpret?” I’m glad you brought that up. Ready for the shocker? The answer to each of these rhetorical questions is obviously no. What we must understand, however, is the evidential factor. Here’s the shocking truth. While it’s clear in scripture that everyone who received the ***baptism of the Holy Ghost*** spake in tongues at the point of Spirit baptism, the “evidential factor” reveals that many who spoke at the point of Spirit baptism never speak again. Hence, we must conclude that there is a difference between “Spirit baptism” and “divers kinds of tongues”. I know quite a few people who spoke in tongues — once — and never spoke again. This leads us to today’s main point.
NOTE: If any man have not the Spirit of God, he doesn’t belong to God (Romans 8:9). He/she is without the seal of God and without the earnest of the inheritance. If you don’t have the earnest of the inheritance yet, it’s because you don’t have an inheritance coming. Seek the Lord while He may be found and call on Him while He is near. The Holy Ghost comes with manifestation (see Acts 8). Belief and baptism doesn’t imply that you already have it. The people in Acts 8 believed and were baptized, but they didn’t have the Spirit of God. It is also given to those who desire it. Many don’t have it because they don’t want it or don’t believe it’s necessary. Don’t let this be you. If you do, you can’t say that you didn’t know. You can say that you didn’t believe, but you can’t say that you didn’t know.
The apparency that all do not have “divers kinds of tongues” is one of the reasons that we should CRY MADNESS. When a person walks into a church and witnesses hundreds or thousands of people “speak in tongues” on command, even from God’s perspective, that’s a reason to be suspicious. No wonder so many people fight against speaking in tongues. So many who claim to do it act soooooooo stupid — the Corinthians that they are.
Paul said (and I paraphrase) that if an unbeliever comes in and all are speaking in tongues, won’t he/she say that you’re mad (i.e., crazy)? I have had to minister to people who have attended churches and experienced this only to come out confused one too many times. One had to comfort their child, who was extremely frightened by the “incident”. There are three things that make this a travesty.
Paul said that unsaved folks would say you’re crazy for doing this. IT DOESN’T MATTER WHETHER OR NOT THE PASTOR TOLD YOU TO. GOD TOLD YOU NOT TO DO IT IN THIS MANNER. It doesn’t matter how large your church is. It doesn’t matter who your pastor is (this word is shared without respect of persons). It doesn’t matter how anointed your pastor seems to be. It doesn’t matter that everybody else is doing it. It doesn’t matter that the church has great structure and programs for your kids. It doesn’t even matter that you appear to benefit. Have ye not read? LET ALL THINGS BE DONE DECENTLY AND IN ORDER.
You can’t instruct everyone to “pray in their heavenly language” because: a) all don’t have divers kinds of tongues and b) when a person speaks in tongues, they aren’t necessarily speaking in the “tongues of angels” as Paul referred to — just speaking fluently, simply, in a language they have not learned. I know “heavenly language” is just a phrase for the most part, but to some, this is exactly what’s happening.
Interestingly, most of the churches practicing this foolishness are also guilty of the aforementioned “repeat after me” ministry that follows altar call. The only way EVERYBODY (loosely stated) in the congregation can respond to a command to “pray in their heavenly language” is because everybody is speaking as their imagination gives the utterance and not the Spirit of God.NOTE: If you think this “repeat after me” stuff is a rumor, it’s not. I have witnessed it myself over 22 years ago and there is a steady flow of eyewitnesses unto this day. Some LARGE churches practice this incessantly. No wonder they’re large. They’re operating a crony factory and not a church (of the Lord Jesus).
Don’t stop speaking with tongues. Do it in an orderly manner. Corporate “in tongues” praying is outlawed by Paul. So also is addressing the congregation in tongues without an interpreter (the complaint of many Baptists, though they’re still not reading). Remember, Paul didn’t say that the Corinthians were not speaking in tongues authentically. He addressed the fact that they were abusing the gift. Brought into compliance with the wisdom of God, speaking in tongues (and its results) are a force to be reckoned with as are all of the gifts of the Spirit, which are given for our edification (and not for our amusement)!
(PLEASE NOTE AGAIN THAT THERE IS A DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE GIFT OF TONGUES AND SPEAKING IN TONGUES AT THE TIME OF SPIRIT BAPTISM). I had to say this because people read and see what they want and will come away from this with the wrong message. Please don’t send any e-mail asking “How can you say that?” when I’ve already explained. Deal with it . . . or are you afraid to?
Had to lay the foundation first. Didn’t know we were going this way (being this exhaustive), but somebody needed this. Jesus is soon to come and there are too many of us that are without the Spirit, lying on the Spirit, operating as carnal Christians OR attending a church that practices “talking to God in your heavenly language”. Wake up, folks. You may not like or agree with what you have just read, but be assured YOU WILL HAVE TO DEAL WITH IT! That’s the beauty of ministry. You just deliver the mail and let the chips fall where they may.
Again, have ye not read? Paul said that people (unbelievers) would say you’re crazy if they come into the church and everyone is speaking in tongues. No excuses. It’s just wrong and should be stopped . . . IMMEDIATELY! Deal with tongues (and other spiritual gifts) as the scriptures have instructed. Follow after charity and desire and rest in the gift(s) distributed as the Spirit wills. Remember, the gifts are for our edification and not for our amusement.
If you deny the operation of the gifts, you’re denying the power of God which happens to be the root basis of their operation. If you deny the gifts, you’re denying the stability that they foster. We most certainly need power. We most certainly need to be established. We most certainly need the gifts of the Spirit. Let’s just use them right and understand their purpose.
Until next time, follow after charity and desire spiritual gifts (the two go together), stop corporate praying in tongues (especially when they’re FAKE!!!), and be blessed.
Cry Aloud: Volume 18, Issue 46 — Cry Madness
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