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Remnant’s Culture
Fashion shows. Cliques. Bodyguards. Church membership. Talent shows. Misuse of spiritual gifts. Dance ministry. Leaders on a pedestal. Compromise. Choir “showboating”. “Christian” comedians. Respect of persons. Hyperspiritual prophets that look like they’re on prescription medication. Blessings for sale. Honor given to talented people who have no character or integrity. Nepotism. Babysitting that masquerades as children’s ministry. Preferential treatment of the pastor’s family. Gambling. Paying exorbitant, inconvenient fees for a copy of service. Armorbearers. Smoking. Novices in leadership. Offering lines and badgering of people for money. Gospel “entertainment”. Ignorant deacons. Buffoons. Cussin’ Christians. Co-pastors or pseudo-pastors. Drinking and drunkenness. Fake healings. Psychology commingled with ministry. An appointment required to speak to the pastor. Glamour shots. Partying. Church politics. Tolerance of sin. Hatred of God’s word. Absence of God’s Spirit, power, and truth.
God hates each of the aforementioned elements. Unfortunately, several of these can be found and are alive and well at many churches and help to make up a church’s culture. Thankfully, you won’t find any of the aforementioned elements at Remnant Christian Assembly. Instead, Remnant’s culture includes traits, practices, and resources such as the following:
- A accessible pastor after God’s heart — that feeds people with knowledge and understanding
- The pastor has a job and, therefore, is very considerate about the attendees’ time
- A pastor that chooses to be an example by not burdening the people with taking care of his family
- Exposure to the power of God’s unadulterated word at EVERY service
- Earnestly contending for the faith once delivered to the saints AND teaching the people how to do likewise
- Zero tolerance for sin with instruction, reproof, and rebuke as needed and as led by the Spirit
- Helping people to stand against every wind of doctrine and the false teachers who spread such lies
- Common courtesy and respect for everyone — having the faith of Jesus without respect of persons
- Frequent healing without having requested prayer
- “Performance-free” praise and worship
- Children remain with the adults during service (just as in the days of Moses, to help them learn to fear the Lord)
- Service CDs are available on request and are free-of-charge
- Most services and sessions are conducted in open-floor format to allow for questions and additional edificational dialog
- No offering lines, begging, or “Malachi 3 threats” during offerings
- A host of special interest ministries to address everyone’s needs
- Frequent giveaways to help foster and support growth in the Spirit
- To minimize the need for notetaking, each service is scribed and notes are e-mailed to attendees
- Casual attire at all services
- Frequently scheduled fellowship events that are attended by any and everyone who so desires
- A bowling league
- Most importantly, Christ comes first — in word and in deed
According to God’s word through the Apostle Paul, the church is the pillar and ground of the truth. And every church should reflect a culture in parallel to that truth. At Remnant Christian Assembly, we strive to do just that. Is Remnant perfect? That depends on what you mean by “perfect”. In God’s sight, being “perfect” is about what a church (or person) is aiming for and committed to. From that perspective, Remnant IS perfect. Yet, we don’t count ourselves to have apprehended and continue to press towards the mark—as a corporate body.
ANY church that doesn’t strive to present every man perfect in Christ Jesus is either in need of reproof or rebuke OR isn’t really a church at all. As a matter-of-fact, such a church may actually be a “synagogue of Satan.”
Tired of “church as usual”? Interested in partaking of the unadulterated word of God? Think you can appreciate a church where Jesus Christ is honored as He commanded? Can you relate to the elements of Remnant’s culture? Visit our Services page for our location and service times.