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Mission Statement

Much is said today in church circles about having a “vision” — usually citing the passage that says, “without a vision, the people perish”. While the passage is a faithful and true saying, its execution is usually nothing short of antichristian. For example, many churches exalt or “boast” about their vision, but prayerful, circumspect examination of that “vision” will reveal that it violates, contradicts, and makes God’s word of none effect. Besides that, the word “vision” in the Hebrew simply refers to God’s word; hence, without the unadulterated word of God, the people will perish. God has no interest in, nor does He sanction individualistic or private missions or purposes!

That being said, however, it is important for a church to understand its purpose. One of the interesting things about having a “vision” is that ALL churches ordained by God and that are submitted to Him have the same one. It is written. Therefore, at Remnant Christian Assembly, we strive to make sure that our pursuit of a “vision” is in complete alignment with God’s purpose and vision as outlined for us in the scriptures by the Lord Jesus Christ.

In light of the fact that we are living in a day of extreme apostasy, ministerial visions are clashing. Remnant Christian Assembly (which has no denominational affiliations) considers itself a reform-based ministry (just as the prophets fulfilled during such times in scripture), earnestly contending for the faith (teachings and principles) once delivered to the saints. The ministry embraces, as its byline, Colossians 1:28 — striving to present every man perfect in Christ Jesus.

This should be the purpose of EVERY ministry.

For more information about the convictions and vision of Remant Christian Assembly, via the links in the passage posted below, we’ve provided some overviews based on Acts 2:42. It says:

And they continued stedfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayer.

This approach benefitted the early church greatly. As a matter-of-fact, they would not have been successful (or obedient) if they had not operated in this manner.

Likewise, Remnant Christian Assembly strives to follow the example left on record for us. As the Apostle John stated, we also concur — we have no greater joy than to see and hear that the people of God walk in truth (3 John 4). Therein do we rejoice and rest.

Interested in more info. Read our Statement of Faith.